How long does it take to install synthetic grass?
Nowadays, people want quick, easy, and low-maintenance home furnishing items and synthetic turf is one of these items.
This artificial grass has gained popularity in a short span due to its noticeable benefits. It does not require watering, mowing, or finishing. It is a one-time investment with zero maintenance charges for a long time.
Synthetic turf is an attractive option for lawns, backyards, swimming pools, and pet houses. It looks good in your outdoors as well as on the terrace too. Since everyone wants to invest in this amazing synthetic turf, some questions or we can say some general doubts arise with its installation process. And the most arising question is -How long does it take to Install the synthetic grass?
We want to answer the question with a detailed timeline that will cover all the important steps of synthetic grass installation and its cost.
Installation of synthetic grass is itself a second step. Before installation, there are some important steps to follow for long-lasting and sturdy installation of artificial grass. The preparation phase is the first step and it takes a lot of labor. There are a few important things that need to be done before the installation of synthetic grass on the ground. First of all, the ground should be clean. Natural grass and other plants should be removed and sterilized. If you left the small plants by mistake, they will grow after some time and can ruin the whole turf setting. So always make sure to remove all the plants and grass from the root of the area that you want to be turfed. One other important thing is the ground should be excavated as most of the turf need around 4-5 inches of excavation. Removing this amount of soil allows you to thoroughly sterilization of that area. It is also a vital step for preparing the ground. Once this excavation is done, the area is automatically leveled finely and built up for the synthetic grass installation. The excavation is back up for the turf and it is filled with some strong layers. The process is repeated until the area is leveled up and ready for the turf. In the end, a weed barrier is placed to ensure that the synthetic turf remains synthetic in the future. This whole preparation involves a good amount of labor and effort too. It takes 5-25 hours of labor to prepare the ground for synthetic turf Installation for residential lawns. For commercial lawns, the time and labor will be increased as per the size of the lawn.
Synthetic grass laying:
After the preparation of the ground, now we can lay the artificial grass on it. In this vital step, the primary components of the synthetic grass are laid on the targeted area. First comes you should unroll the turf and leave it for about an hour to set it in proper shape for a flat surface. It also allows the turf to soften. The symmetrical and soft synthetic grass is always easy to install on the targeted area. Now, we have symmetrical synthetic turf ready to be laid on the ground. It is cut in parts and laid properly on the ground neatly as per the design.This is not time-consuming and usually takes a couple of hours for residential lawns. Some more hours for commercial lawns and days for the sports grounds.
Synthetic grass Infill:
Now we have secured and properly laid synthetic grass and it needs to be infilled. If you don’t know what infill is, the infill gives a smooth texture to the synthetic turf underfoot. It also adds a good amount of weight to the turf so it won’t caught up in the wind or extirpate from its place. This infill step varies on the type of turf you choose for your lawn and it can impact the time for the infill process. It generally takes half an hour or would take a couple of hours depending on the project.In the final touch-in infill process, a power brush is used for finishing evenly spreading the infill. The infill helps the synthetic grass to achieve an even and well-finished distribution across it. This brushing step also removes debris and leaves an attractive finish to the grass. It makes the synthetic turf nice and groomed. After the infilling step is done, the final touch is added to the whole project to get the best results. You can expect around 1 hour for this whole process.
Total timing of Synthetic grass installation:
In this entire process of synthetic grass installation, you have to spend typically 8 to 30 hours of labor for better results. As we mentioned above, time also depends on the type of turf and the type of ground where you want to install this. The size of the lawn also decides the total time consumption of the turf installation process. For reducing the time in larger areas, we increase the number of work crew members. It doesn’t exceed more than a week when we have enough crew members. When it is for commercial purposes, labor and crew members, and other things all things required in huge amounts. Most of the installations can be completed in two to three days in residential areas and commercial lawns take a week or more than a week for better installation.
Now you know all the timing and things that are important for a successful synthetic grass installation process. You can contact us for more details and take one step ahead with amazing turf.